Choose An Eye And See What It Reveals About You.

The eyes are truly the windows to the soul. You can tell a lot about a person’s life and personality by their eyes. On the flip side, they may also say a lot about you too.

Take a peek at the image above. Don’t overthink it, just pick the eye that seems to draw you in the most.

Keep in mind, this is just for fun! We’re not claiming to know everything about you or trying to predict your future. Hopefully you can read articles like these with an open mind and gain something from them.

This obviously won’t be accurate for everyone, but in general you’d be shocked how much a simple internet quiz can reveal about you.

Ok, have you picked your favorite eye yet? Let’s find out what that reveals about your personality.

If you found yourself drawn to eye 1:

You’re the open, kind spirit. You welcome everyone into your life, whether it walks, slithers or crawls. You prefer to take risks and get hurt than to keep yourself locked away. Helping others is a high priority for you.

Do you want to learn more about your personality and life? You won’t believe what the science of Numerology can reveal about your life.

That’s right, the numerology of your birth date, despite whatever month you were born, can reveal detail information about who you truly are. It’s unbelievable how accurate it is.

If you found yourself drawn to eye 2:

You’re the conscientious one. You’re always looking to do the right thing for your community and the world.

You know your actions make a difference, even if they’re small ones. You believe that activism is the rent you pay for living on this planet.

If you found yourself drawn to eye 3:

You’re the troubled one. Your past was likely tumultuous and still impacts your life today. You might feel like life is a sick joke being played on you and struggle to find peace in this.

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Despite this, you’re capable of picking yourself up when you fall and can have a sunny disposition. You’re a point of light in a demon-haunted world.

If you found yourself drawn to eye 4:

You’re the philosopher. You look for deeper meaning in things but are still comforted when something can be taken at face value.

You’re confident in your ability to solve the puzzles of this life. You may not figure it all out, but that’s alright.

If you found yourself drawn to eye 5:

You’re the mysterious one. You haven’t figured yourself out yet, which makes you fairly enigmatic to the people around you.

You don’t mince words and are a person of action. You don’t speak unless you’re certain of what you say.

If you found yourself drawn to eye 6:

You’re more of a sensitive, thoughtful person. You notice the little details and rarely forget anything, even if it’s something silly or pointless.

You’re fragile but you never show it. You have a strong intuition and often are the first to see trouble ahead.

If you found yourself drawn to eye 7:

You’re a fiery spirit. You’re energetic, passionate, and perfect for leadership roles. You wear yourself on your sleeve and are very opinionated. You’re thrilled by anything high stakes.

If you found yourself drawn to eye 8:

You’re the crazy one. You have unusual interests, practices, and systems of belief. You were probably called a weirdo as a kid.

Don’t sweat it, these may seem like insults but they’re what make you special. You laugh off tradition and never conform.

If you found yourself drawn to eye 9:

You’re the intuitive one. You understand people, cultures, and the whole world well. You can read people like a poem and know when you’re being lied to.

Your every action is measured and you don’t manipulate easily. At the same time, you can play puppet master well, though we don’t recommend that kind of behavior.