Woman born In 1900 celebrates her 118th Birthday by playing the lute and eating cake

Birthdays are a special time of the year to celebrate another mark of age, wisdom, experience, and love. Many are thrilled at turning a new age.

We make phone calls with Birthday messages, send cards, gifts, and treats. For many, their big day includes a Birthday Cake. This was no exception for Julia Flores Colque who candles showed 118 this year.

Last month in October, Julia thrived on her big day with music, cake and loved ones nearby. She is considered the oldest woman in her country. Her identification states that she was born on Oct. 26, 1900.

This could also make her the oldest woman alive in the world. The most recent ‘oldest human in the world’ passed away in 2018 at 117 years old , Julia is breaking more than just a record for her age.

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After turning 100, Julia’s back was hurt from a fall and she was told walking would no longer be possible. She walks today and eases around with the assistance of a thin cane.

She’s always been active, easygoing and fun, her grandniece told New York Post.

Julia enjoys a healthy diet, one with mostly fruits and vegetables. She picked up this eating habit as a young woman when she sold produce. She never got married or had any children of her own, though she has lots of family.

She loves to sing, play guitar and charango. Her love of animals is also a special part of her life including cats, dogs, and a rooster.